Thursday, May 28, 2009

Glass Keyboard has No Keys

This is a “no-keys” keyboard made of glass. It is a concept designed by Kong Fanwen. The keyboard is transparent and looks stylish.

More pictures after the jump:

Kong Fanwen has come out with a winning concept design with his No Key Flat Glass Keyboard. This keyboard consists of an ultra thin piece of glass onto which is etched the letters of the keyboard. The keyboard is illuminated by a source of light which is used to shine through the keyboard. A mounted camera recognizes your finger positions on the keyboard and transmits this data into recognizable keystrokes to the workstation.
One of the nice things about this keyboard is there are no physical keys to worry about. This means less service calls due to sticky keys and there is no longer a worry about bits of food getting stuck and “growing” in between the keys. Hopefully with this great design will come the ease of cleaning with just a simple wipe of a damp cloth.
Elegance and miniaturization, those seem to be the theme these days when it comes to computer gadgets. Kong Fanwen has definitely met both of these criteria with his no key glass keyboard and although this is just a concept keyboard at this time, you can really see one of the large corporations making the investment to move this from a concept design to a production product.
Apple has always been on the forefront when it comes to design and this keyboard would just be a perfect match for them to introduce with their Mac lineups. Here’s hoping this is the future of keyboards to come

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